What is Yoga: What The defination of Yoga?
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What is Yoga?
Today's topic is "What is Yoga?" So today we will study about Yoga. Today, the importance of Yoga is increasing all over the world. People are understanding it and adopting it. But before we know what Yoga is, let's see here the literal meaning of Yoga and some definitions given by our Yoga scriptures. The literal meaning of Yoga is to connect and combine, to gather or bind. This is the literal meaning of Yoga.
The word "Yoga" comes from the ancient Sanskrit word "Yuj," which means "to join" or "to unite." Essentially, yoga is about bringing together different parts of ourselves. According to yogic teachings, practicing yoga helps us connect our individual consciousness with the larger universal consciousness. It's like achieving a perfect balance between our mind and body, and finding harmony with the world around us, including nature.
In more modern terms, scientists believe that everything in the universe is interconnected at a fundamental level, much like how yoga teaches us to unite various aspects of ourselves. So, whether you're delving into ancient philosophy or modern science, the idea is pretty similar: everything is connected, and yoga helps us tap into that connection.
Yoga in Shiv Samhita
The Shiva Samhita is indeed an ancient very first yogic text that puts light onto various aspects of yoga practice and philosophy. In this text, the term "yoga" carries multiple meanings, reflecting its rich and multifaceted nature.
According to the Shiva Samhita, "yoga" signifies the union of the human soul with the divine. This union can manifest as the communion of individual consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness, highlighting the spiritual aspect of yoga practice. Additionally, "yoga" can also denote mental and physical discipline, emphasizing the importance of both inner and outer cultivation in the yogic path.
The Shiva Samhita covers a wide range of topics related to yoga, including methods of liberation, different yoga postures (asanas), the intricate network of nadis (energy channels) in the body, types of prana (life force), and the awakening of Kundalini Shakti energy, which is believed to lead to spiritual awakening.
Yoga According to Shad-Darshans
There are six classical darshanas or philosophical systems in Ancient India, collectively known as the "Shad-Darshanas." Each darshana offers its unique perspective on metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and other aspects of life and reality. The six darshanas are: Nyay Darshan, Vaisheshika Darshan, Sankhya Darshan, Yoga Darshan, Mimasa Darshan, Vedanta Darshan.
Defination by Maharishihi Patanjali:-
Maharishi Patanjali in Yoga Darshan wrote about yoga as Yoga Sutras, Yoga is the prevention of the modifications of the mind by means of practice and non-attachment. Here, modifications of the mind mean our desires, our wishes, thoughts, and passions, which bring suffering and confusion in human life.
"Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodhah" means that doing yoga helps calm down our busy minds. So, when we practice yoga, we learn to quiet our thoughts and find peace within ourselves. It's like turning down the volume on all the noise in our heads, so we can feel more calm and focused. (Chitta- Thoughtful Conscious Mind, Vritti- Fluctuations or Malfunction , Nirodha- To stop or restrain)
Meaning of Sutra :- In a general sense, a "Sutra" can indeed be understood as a concise formulation or principle that explains essential knowledge or a key idea within a particular field of study or practice. It serves as a fundamental guideline or aphorism that often carries profound meaning and insight.
For instance, in mathematics, physics, or chemistry, a "sutra" might refer to a fundamental equation, law, or theorem that succinctly expresses a key concept or relationship. Similarly, in philosophical or spiritual contexts like yoga, a "sutra" represents a concise statement or aphorism that captures essential teachings or principles.
Here are some other key points from the Yog Sutras by Patajali:
- Yoga is a practice that aims to connect the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness.
- Yoga includes physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation.
- Yoga has many benefits for physical and mental health, including reducing stress, improving flexibility, and increasing focus.
Defination of yoga According to Maharishihi Ved Vyas:-
The next definition is according to Maharishi Ved Vyas, who explained the meaning of yoga as samadhi. Samadhi is a state in which the soul and the supreme soul unite.
Here are some additional points about this definition:
Yoga According to Bhagwat Geeta:-
The next definition is from Holy book Bhagavad Gita. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna said, "Yoga Karmeshu Koshlam." Means Perfection of Skills in Doing your work is Yoga.
This definition tells us about the importance of performing actions with mindfulness, detachment, and equanimity. It is not about the results of the actions, but rather about the way in which they are performed. This definition of yoga is often referred to as karma yoga, or the yoga of action.
So with these some of exmaples and definitions, we can say that yoga is a philosophy that helps or shows the way for a person to achieve the goal of life.Yoga harmonizes emotions and individuals. Physical, mental, and intellectual strength develops through yoga.
This was a practical application. So here we understood both the real and practical meaning of yoga. Now we see the importance of yoga or the characteristics of the use of yoga benefits.
So yoga disciplines the mind. When a person adopts yoga, his mind becomes disciplined. Then the body becomes healthy from yoga. By doing yoga regularly, we stay away from diseases. Yoga is a means of attaining salvation. We have seen that through the eight limbs of yoga, we reach salvation. Then yoga increases concentration. When our mind is fixed in one place, then concentration increases. Internal powers develop through yoga.
We also come to know what powers are hidden inside us. Then yoga awakens the senses of knowledge and action. It also awakens our sense organs and the organs that do the work. And finally, yoga gives wholeness to life. So through yoga, we can make our life successful.
Ashtang Yoga
We will explain about the Ashtang Yoga in our Next blog. Ashtand yog or 8 Limbs of yoga are mentions in Yog Sutra of Patanjli. It means the 8 steps of yoga.
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