International Yoga School – Yoga Teacher Trainings and Sound Healing, Rishikesh

What is Yoga Teacher Training course

Yoga Teacher Training Course

A yoga teacher training course is a complete program that gives people the skills, information, and self-assurance they need to teach yoga to others. Yoga is more than just doing poses. It also includes the theory, anatomy, and ways of teaching yoga. Asanas (yoga poses), pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, yogic philosophy, anatomy, teaching methods, and hands-on experience as a teacher are all things that are usually covered in details in this course. It is a life-changing trip that gives people who want to become yoga teachers the tools they need to help and inspire their students on their own yoga paths.

How to become a qualified yoga teacher is Important

Getting qualified as a yoga teacher not only helps people improve their own practise, it also gives them the tools to share the amazing benefits of yoga with others. As a certified yoga teacher, you learn about all of yoga’s physical, mental, and spiritual elements. This lets you help your students become stronger, more mentally clear, and more at peace with themselves. In addition, getting qualified gives you a lot of chances to lead yoga classes, workshops, and retreats, which is great for your own growth and the growth of others.

What the Yoga Teacher Training Course Is for

Individuals will gain the information and skills they need to become good yoga teachers through the Yoga Teacher Training Course. People who take this training learn a variety of ways to teach, including how to organise lessons and talk to students in a clear way. The course also goes into the history and philosophy of yoga, which helps students really understand its principles and ideals. Overall, the course’s goal is to give people the tools they need to share how yoga can change their lives and encourage others to start their own health journey.

Overview of the Yoga Teacher Training Course

The Yoga Teacher Training Course covers a comprehensive curriculum that equips participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to become confident and competent yoga instructors. The course includes both theoretical and practical components, allowing participants to develop a strong foundation in yoga theory, anatomy, and physiology. Participants will also have the opportunity to deepen their personal practice and cultivate a strong sense of self-awareness and mindfulness. By the end of the course, participants will be prepared to lead safe, effective, and inspiring yoga classes that cater to the needs and abilities of their students.

Duration and structure of the course

Main Yoga Teacher Training Courses
  • 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (3 weeks)
  • This Course is typically 200 hours or 3 weeks long. The course is structured to provide a comprehensive understanding of yoga, starting with the basics and gradually progressing to more advanced concepts. Participants will engage in daily yoga practice, along with theoretical and practical sessions. The course also includes regular assessments and evaluations to ensure that participants are mastering the necessary skills and knowledge to become competent yoga teachers. Overall, the duration and structure of the course are designed to provide a well-rounded and immersive learning experience for aspiring yoga teachers.

  • 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (4 weeks)
  • The 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course is a comprehensive program that builds upon the foundational knowledge gained in the 200-Hour Course. Over the course of four weeks, participants will delve deeper into the philosophy and methodology of yoga, exploring advanced asanas, pranayama techniques, and meditation practices. In addition to the physical aspect, participants will also study anatomy and physiology, as well as the principles of teaching and sequencing. By the end of the course, participants will have developed the skills and confidence to lead their own yoga classes and guide students on their yoga journey.

  • 500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (6 weeks)
  • This Yoga teacher training courses are designed to deepen one’s understanding of the ancient practice of yoga. The 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training course combines the comprehensive curriculum of the 200-hour and 300-hour courses, providing participants with an extensive and well-rounded education. Through in-depth study and practice, participants will gain a deep knowledge of yoga philosophy and methodology, allowing them to confidently lead their own classes and guide students on their own yoga journey. This course is ideal for those who are truly committed to becoming skilled and knowledgeable yoga instructors.

Different levels and styles of yoga covered

Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, multi-style, and therapeutic yoga are some popular types. Individuals will learn various methods and steps for every style, which will allow them to meet the needs and levels of various students. Additionally, the class will look at the advantages and basic ideas behind each style, providing students with a complete knowledge of the various yoga techniques available. The course members will be able to teach a variety of yoga styles to students of all levels with confidence by the end of the module.

Qualifications and specifications for participation

The Yoga Teacher Training Course is designed for individuals who want to learn yoga. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners who are looking to deepen their practice and gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become certified yoga teachers. Additionally, the course is ideal for those who are interested in pursuing a career in yoga teaching and want to learn the business and marketing aspects of the field.

Curriculum and Topics Covered

This yoga program’s lessons cover a lot of different topics so that students can get a full idea of yoga. The different types of yoga, like Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga, will be taught, along with the background and philosophy of yoga. There will also be in-depth lessons on how to do different yoga poses, how to align your body, and how to make changes for people with different body types and abilities. People who are taking part will also be able to improve their practice through meditation and pranayama (breathing exercises). The main goal of this program is to give people the information and skills they need to teach yoga classes with confidence and share their love of yoga with others.

Yoga Sections

Introduction to the Philosophy and History of Yoga

Learn about the history of yoga. That gives an overview of yoga by talking about where it came from, how important it was in ancient Indian society, the different types of yoga, their philosophy, history, modernization, and benefits. It talks about the idea of yoga and its eight parts, as well as the link between mind, body, and spirit. Additionally, it talks about how yoga has affected various mental, and spiritual benefits in the modern age. The benefits to the body, mind, and spirit are talked about.

Asanas (Yoga Postures) and Their Proper Alignment

Asanas, or yoga poses, and how they should be aligned are very important for a safe and effective yoga practice. Aligning yourself correctly can help you avoid injuries and get the most out of each pose. Additionally, listening to your body allows you to honor your limitations and modify the postures accordingly, ensuring a safe and enjoyable practice. Remember, the goal is not to force yourself into a perfect pose, but rather to find balance and harmony in your body and mind.

Pranayama Section

Pranayama (Breathing Exercises) and its Significance

Pranayam is an important part of yoga, and it is also very important in Yoga Teacher Trainings. The way you breathe can help you control and steady the flow of energy in your body. Pranayam not only makes it easier to breathe and take in air, but it also relaxes the mind and lowers stress. Some people who want to become yoga teachers say that they should do Pranayam every day because it helps them get better at yoga and helps them help their students become more calm and aware.

Yoga Sections

Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology in Yoga Teaching

A yoga teacher's understanding of anatomy and physiology is crucial in creating a safe and effective practice for their students. They have knowledge of how different muscles and joints work, allowing them to guide students into poses with proper alignment and avoid potential injuries. Additionally, they can explain the physical and physiological benefits of each pose, helping students understand how yoga positively impacts their bodies. By incorporating this knowledge into their teaching, yoga teachers can provide a well-rounded experience that promotes both physical and mental well-being.

Yoga Sections

Effective Communication and Demonstration Skills

It is important for teachers of yoga to know about typical injuries and safety measures related to yoga so that students can understand and do each pose correctly. A good yoga teacher should also be able to adjust to different ways of learning and make changes for students with different levels of skill. Using props and making changes by hand can also improve the learning process and help students get better at what they’re doing. Overall, the way yoga is taught is a very important part of making sure that students feel safe and welcome so that they can get the most out of their practice.

Sequencing and Designing Yoga Classes

The Yoga Teacher Training course emphasizes subtle anatomy, a crucial aspect of understanding the human body’s energetic and spiritual aspects. This knowledge helps yoga teachers guide students towards a holistic practice. The course covers the definition of subtle anatomy, the importance of chakras and nadis, the seven main chakras, and techniques to activate, balance, and cleanse them through asanas, pranayama, Sound Healing and meditation, Chakra Healing, Aura Cleaning.

Yoga Sections

Teaching Methodology

Effective Communication and Demonstration Skills

When you teach yoga, you need to make sure that your students understand how to do each pose correctly. A good yoga teacher should also be able to adjust to different ways of learning and make changes for students with different levels of skill. Using props and making changes by hand can also improve the learning process and help students get better at what they’re doing. Overall, the way yoga is taught is a very important part of making sure that students feel safe and welcome so that they can get the most out of their practice.

Sequencing and Designing Yoga Classes

Another important part of teaching technique is planning and organizing the class. A good yoga teacher knows how to put together a sequence that is well-balanced and flows well so that students can warm up, get stronger, and then cool down and rest. When planning their classes, they also think about what their students want and need, and may use themes or certain poses to meet those needs. A well-organized class can help students get better at what they’re doing and reach their goals.

Pranayama Section

Adjustments and Modifications to meet the needs of various Students

Adjustments and modifications are made to meet the needs of all the students in yoga class. A good school for becoming a yoga teacher should teach you about it in their method classes. Each student is different and may not be as flexible or have the same physical limitations. Because of this, they offer different versions of poses so that all students can safely and easily participate. Students can feel supported and in control of their practice with this individualized method. It also helps everyone feel welcome and included in the class, making it a place where students of all skills can feel comfortable.

Yoga Sections

Teaching Practicum

Opportunities to Practice Teaching in a Supportive Environment

A yoga teacher training program gives students the chance to practice teaching in a safe space. Aspiring yoga teachers can get real-world experience and useful feedback from more experienced teachers and other trainees during this teaching practice. Trainees can boost their confidence and teaching skills by leading others through yoga sequences and making changes and tweaks as needed. This hands-on training is very important for getting people ready to become qualified and useful yoga teachers who can help other people enjoy the many benefits of yoga.

Feedback and Guidance from Experienced Yoga Instructors

Feedback and direction from instructors are very important for helping trainees improve their teaching methods and work on any areas that could use work. These more experienced teachers can give trainees useful advice and ideas that will help them become better teachers. Also, getting feedback from other trainees can be helpful because they can offer different points of view and share their own experiences and tips. Finally, this feedback and help are very important for the progress of people who want to become yoga teachers.

Building Confidence and Developing a Teaching Style

Getting more confident and improving your teaching style Feedback and direction from teachers are very helpful for trainees who want to improve the way they teach and work on any areas that need it. These more experienced teachers can help new teachers become better by giving them good ideas and tips. Also, hearing from other trainees can be useful because they can give you different ideas and share their own tips and experiences. Finally, this help and comments are very important for people who want to become yoga teachers.

Certification and Continuing Education

To get certified and keep learning, you have to do things like complete a certain number of hours of training and pass a test. Continuing education is important to keep up with new yoga studies and techniques. I’m looking forward to the chances to learn more as a yoga teacher by going to workshops and conferences. Being a qualified yoga teacher can help you get more jobs and build your reputation in the yoga community.


The first thing you need to do is the 200-hour yoga teacher training. Participants in the course will be graded on a mix of practical exams, written tasks, and evaluations of the teachers. The purpose of these tests is to make sure that the people taking them are learning the skills and information they need to become good yoga teachers. Participants must pass all assessments and meet the minimum standards set by the course instructors in order to get certified.

Getting certified as a yoga teacher also requires getting hands-on experience by leading practice sessions and getting comments from more experienced teachers. This hands-on training helps people who want to become yoga teachers improve their skills and gain the confidence they need to run classes well. Also, to keep your yoga teacher certification, you may have to meet certain continuing education requirements. This makes sure that teachers stay up-to-date on their practice and skilled throughout their work.