Pancha Mahabhutas and Their Importance

These essences perceived by us as 5 elements. Known Panchamahabhutas.
According to Ayurveda, all objects in the universe including
They govern our sensory nerves and help us achieve an understanding of our actions.
But, each of the Tanmantras connects to elements of nature. Akash(sky), Vayu(air), Aag(fire), Jal (water), Dharti(earth). They blend while giving us a simpler understanding of how each function works.
1.Ether (Akash)
Ether or Akash means infinite freedom. It is a limitless space with the power to create movement between objects and have them correspond, creating Shabda (sound), the ether Tanmantra.
When two atoms or objects physically touch, the small sound of thud or a tap is resonated throughout the space. It forms a frequency of soundwave which we feel through auditory senses.

2. Air (Vayu)
The function of air is to help elements relocate and travel. It is in constant movement, helping different molecules to come across each other creating a small touch. The Tanmantra for such a sensation is called Sparsha (Touch). The skin is sensitive and can perceive any small change over the surface. If there is an amount of pressure, drop of water or a fallen leaf the skin will sense it immediately and detect the different feel of different elements.

3. Fire (Tej)
Fire, Created through aggressive friction of two elements. When two elements touch during movement through Vayu, they might spark a heat and thus the birth of tej. This bright fire is blazing and a bright source of light. This light can be visualized in front of us with the help of Vision (Rupa). Rupa means the physical manifestation of an element which is perceived steadily.

4. Water (Jala)
Water brings about fluidity. it helps in connecting two molecules together which help both in a proper formation. The function of water, To glue two different objects to form one.
In the same way, the use of our mouth is to chew and identify what we have eaten. The Tanmantra, Taste (Rasa) helps in forming a taste once food reaches your mouth. It binds a dry element with water, making it easier to shape.
Jala helps a being taste food, understand the quality and appearance of the food inside your mouth and experience a sense of fulfilment. The saliva in our mouth acts as Jala in such a scenario.

5. Earth (Prithvi)
Earth, a solid mass. Hard on the outside, changes temperature along with seasons and has a solid foundation. So, A dense and hard structure to form on the surface of the earth. Parts of our bodies constitute of Prithvi. Our bones, muscles and physical strength are objects formed through the earth we live in.
How we perceive the earth is through our nose. Yes, our sense of smell (Gandha) helps in identifying objects around us with the sense of smell.